Most Network Marketers quit within 6 months of joining a Network Marketing Business. The average networker desperately jumps for one opportunity to the next. Over and over again.... starting, quitting, and then starting up an mlm crack addict jumping from one "Pre-Lauch" opportunity to the next! So how do you break this awful habit and create the success that you so desperately are longing for?
The Truth
First you need to know why most people fail in the network marketing business. The number one reason most network marketers and home based business owners fail is... the lack of Effective Marketing Training and Support. The vast majority of Network Marketing Companies are led by "Old School" Network Marketers who teach their members outdated marketing strategies like prospecting friends and family, contacting strangers at the store, inviting prospects to hotel meetings or home meetings and sending prospects to company replicated websites. Building a residual income through the networking marketing business model in the internet age is a waste of time and money! Many exasperated Networkers are tired of dealing with downline attrition and tiny commission checks, more and more home business owners are giving up on traditional "MLM" marketing methods and embracing a proven internet marketing philosophy called "Attraction Marketing".
Long Term Vision
No matter the business whether traditional Network Marketing or Top Tier Marketing you need to be willing to commit a minimum of 2 years of consistent action to be successful in any Legitimate Home Based Business Opportunity. If you will work your business 2-4 hours daily, 5-6 days per week, for 2 years, you will become a 3% Leader in your company. But you must take consistent action. A very important question to ask yourself is "Will the company that you're a distributor for be around long term?" Just like traditional businesses, most Network Marketing companies close their doors within 5 years or less, so it's important to make sure that your apart of a company that has a proven track record.
Attraction Marketing
The key to making a lot of money online from home is to leverage a proven marketing system. Attraction Marketing is a strategy that involves internet marketing, online lead generation and personal branding. With the implementation of Attraction Marketing into your home based business you can make a lot of money online regardless of the product or opportunity that you are selling. Companies come and go, but YOU Inc. is here to thrive and survive! You need to realize that people don't just join companies, they follow people who are leaders that can teach them and take them places they could never go on their own. Internet Network Marketing Leaders like Mike Dillard, Jay Kubassek, Aaron Parkinson and Andrew Cass are some of the top Internet Marketers in the Home Based Business Arena. Mike Dillard is the founder of Magnetic Sponsoring. Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson are the founding members of "CarbonCopyPRO". The most important thing that I've learned so far from these guys is that you can't base your life long success and income on any one company or opportunity. You need multiple streams of income to achieve lasting wealth.
In closing remember it is important to have a long term vision and a strong work ethic in your business. If Home Based Businesses were easy to build everyone would be doing it and the potential profits would be no greater than an average income from an ordinary job. So don't be average or ordinary! In the internet economy Network Marketing, MLM, Top Tier Marketing and Home Based Businesses are the best vehicles for you to achieve the Success that you deserve.
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