When looking for suitable quality products to offer to their niche, many internet marketers overlook a rich source of already available material. There is a very rich vein of gold to be mined in the area of the "public domain". Lots of people have heard the term, without actually realising what it is, or, indeed, realising its massive potential in marketing terms. Yet, many established internet marketers regularly make money from this material
In fact, the public domain is a massive library of material, resources and rich content which can be used by marketers as a source of superb, highly sellable products. What is the public domain definition? The term refers to any material which is no longer in copyright. In this country, any intellectual property remains under copyright for 70 years after the date of the author's death.
So, what exactly is copyright? If a joiner makes a chair, it remains his property until he decides to sell it, hire it out or give it away. The same applies to intellectual property.
I am a musician as well as an internet marketer and I have many compositions in print. They are covered by copyright. If someone uses one of my works (especially in a professional setting) without my permission and/or without paying me a royalty for its use, they are, in the eyes of the law, guilty of theft. If they photocopy my music rather than buying their own copy, they are also guilty of theft. They have stolen money from me just as surely as if they had picked my pocket. If someone walked off with the joiner's chair without paying they would be guilty of exactly the same crime. So, if you are looking to use public domain material you must ensure that the work is definitely out of copyright or you could find yourself in trouble.
What are you able to do with this gigantic resource? Almost anything you want because nobody has the copyright, nobody has any control over it. The internet is bursting with sites to help you search for suitable material to sell through your online business. I have just typed "public domain resources" into Google which brought up the first page of 26,800,000 sites. That certainly gives you a pretty good idea of just how huge this resource is. If you want to find out how to make money online, this could be the answer. Whatever your niche or subject there will be information products available which will make perfect marketing material. The biggest plus of all is that it is all free.
There are fewer ways to make money easily than by using public domain. So, where's the catch? Amazingly, there isn't one. The only possible "catch", is to ensure that the material you are using is genuinely out of copyright and therefore in the public domain.
All these resources can be rebranded, just as you rebrand other products to personalise them. If you were to download an old manuscript in e-book form you could edit it, change the font, change any art work, add bits from other sources, remove bits, break up a lengthy work into bite-sized pieces, indeed, whatever you wanted to do with it.
This rich vein of highly saleable material should not be overlooked by internet marketers. It is one of the easiest ways to find really good quality products to sell. All that is required is a bit of time and research to create great products which will enable you to make money from public domain.
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